Other than turning, photography and many other subjects I also am interested in building web sites as an ancillary interest to my own web site development.
Part of any business is marketing. This is expensive in the initial stages so being able to do as much of this myself saves me money, however much more than this is it another creative process that involves much research and the learning of new skills.
This I have always found enjoyable as I believe that within reason I can achieve any skill that I want with time and practice.
So when I needed a web site I built my own. The first was not brilliant, the one I have now is a bit better but again needs refining. The more I become involved in a certain skill/project the more I refine and look at the small detail so that I can continually progress the idea.
Continually looking closely at what I make is a major part of the philosophy behind the way I work. I do not understand how I can progress unless I look at the fine detail and continually strive to refine.
This may be the refining of a particular process, design but more importantly the way I think and view my work.
So while I am taking some time out for reflection,I have been working on several other projects, working with new materials and building a few web sites, one being this
Looking at other ways of working/creating, whether it is sculpting, turning, painting, gardening or web design. the process is very much the same.