Thursday 22 December 2011

Carrying on the theme

Currently I am enjoying the more sculptural work using the lathe as a part process, in this case producing a base form for me to work from. I have been finding more and more recently that I am losing interest in using the lathe for the majority of the work as I am finding it restricts my creative side. Of course I still turn the pure pieces, but as said previously I am moving more and more away from this type of work.

With Sculptural work I prefer the more organic forms that allow the viewer to see what they want without being directed to any real extent, I also like my work to be tactile so that it isn't all about the visual effect. I have noticed on many occasions when selling my work that people spend more time running their fingers over a form than just looking, so I am carrying on with this them.


Lee Robert Sneddon said...

Hi Mark,

Your level of creativity and 'play time' is bordering on ridiculous!

I am so happy for you mate, you have put in years of learning, ground work and practice and if it means you get more to play and explore then all the better.

Only wish I could be there, SIGH!

Have fun,


Mark said...

Hi Lee

Thank you for the interest. Currently I am enjoying myself and I think this always makes for interesting work.

In the new year we will be up crossing your border in seek of shelter, so hopefully we can get some workshop time.

Take care