It has been a busy weekend. Thursday and Friday was a great few days at the 'last' Strictly Woodturning where I was one of the demonstrators for the two days.
Saturday was up early 0400hrs, to leave at 0500hrs for Garden of England woodturners for another all day demo. It is my intention to cut back on the demo's for 2013 which I have been doing but these are some of the last of 2012, although since going to Australia I am getting more enquiries from abroad as previously mentioned.
Strictly was a great event where I managed six demonstrations and two free slots plus the evening event. This was organised with two lathes on the stage so that two of the demonstrators could have a turn off against each other in producing an item within 6 minutes. The first item being produced was a goblet (of which I had not turned before but did get a practice of two the week before). Fortunately I am a fairly fast turner even though I do not production turn and finished my goblet in under 4 minutes which I was very pleased with and in the first round was 1 point behind the leader, Gary Rance.
The judges gave us their humour with Nick Agar (the main judge) dressing up for the event, very dapper Nick and great humorous judging.
The following rounds were to turn an egg and egg cup (again in under 6 minutes). Gary Rance who it was a pleasure to watch turn, produced a near perfect egg, including finishing in under 1 minute. Of course, and it would have been a crime if not, Gary went on to win the turn off and the much coveted Strictly trophy.
I did not manage to get many pictures as although we had two clear sessions, on one of these I decided to watch Gary Rance demonstrate as I have not done so before. A great, relaxed but highly skilled demo, and a pleasure to watch.
Here are the few that I managed to get. The picture at the top is across the valley from the B&B I was staying at.
The delegates and demonstrators being welcomed by Axminster.
Gary Rance demo
Getting ready for the evening turning competition
Nick Agar in his dapper gear as head judge. His jacket was a work of art in itself as you would expect with Nick, and as ever he was approachable and helpful.
Getting ready for the off
The judges ready to give their thoughts, lol.
Delegates settling in for a good evening.
Stuart King and Andrew Hall with the clock ticking.
Stuart Mortimer and Colwin Way
Colwin parting his goblet off with a minute to go.
Myself and Carlyn Lindsay Being on stage being watched by over 100 delegates was great fun.
Dennis Keeling and Jason Breach
It was the first time Dennis had turned a goblet but he still managed to turn it within the 6 minutes.
Gary Rance and Ray Key
Andrew Hall and Gary in the next round turning an egg and egg cup.
It was with great disappointment for me that I did not make the second round and it meant I had to sit back with a glass of wine and watch the show. A real shame. :-) of course it was great fun and nice to be able to relax and watch.
Nick watching closely.
Stuart Mortimer a great turner and it was nice to get time to sit down and talk with Stuart, Gary, Stewart King, Ray key, Andrew Hall, Colwin Way, Jason Breach, Denis Keeling and Carlyn Lindsay.
Gary Rance being awarded the trophy.
Very much deserved.
Some of the work of delegates and from the AWGB display.
Unfortunately I did not get time to take as many pictures as I would have liked.