Wednesday 9 March 2011

Another day

Well work is very hectic at the moment. The processing of the wood collected has taken a back seat.

On top of sourcing the wood I have been finishing and submitting another article for 'Woodturning' GMC Publications magazine, that I am currently an author for. I was very proud to have been featured on the front cover of the magazine this month.

Writing articles involves researching and designing new ideas.

Producing the project with stage by stage photographs. Scaled drawings etc.

Writing about the process and collating all of the information and finally submitting within a dead line. This will then require further work once the publishers have looked at the format.

There are various skills involved in this such as, photography, writing, designing. I enjoy the process very much as keeps my grey matter working and is a way for me to pass on my knowledge so that others can benefit and develop as I have benefited and developed from others knowledge. Woodturning has given me a lot and by writing I can give back and hopefully help the craft to progress.

On top of this I have been developing my web site for the tools that I am now selling. This involves the use and knowledge of web design, graphics and other computer software.

Finally preparation is under way for three demonstrations that are scheduled this coming weekend.

Preparation of projects in a roughed out stage, materials, design notes that are given out to the audience so that they can go away and make the projects demonstrated, travel and accommodation plans, route planning, checking the horse for oil, tyres etc.

Finally accounts, stock checking, ordering of materials, tools, stationary and organising of more demonstrations and art trails that are up and coming, posting of tools and parcels, dvd's etc etc etc.

Oh and the collection of more wood due to receiving a phone call from one of my contacts that a Holm Oak tree has just been felled near to my workshop.

All this and only a few hours at the lathe.

Hopefully once all this has been completed I can get back to processing the wood that I picked up from the saw mill and show you how I go about this.

Oh I almost forgot.

While I am doing all of this I run the home, sort the children, dogs, house work, as well as building and maintain web sites for friends and a woodturning club I am a member of.

1 comment:

Lee Robert Sneddon said...

Hi Mark,

I'm well aware of just how busy you are at the moment. It seems all the more so when it's written down in black and white huh?

Anyway, if I can support you by spinning the odd plate on your behalf then let me know.

Excellent front cover on 'Woodturning' btw, like the smile!

